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Unread Jun 24th, 2008, 03:00 am
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Clive Hawkins
Join Date: Aug 1st, 2006
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Default Re: New conversation class. Ideas pleeeeze

How about this idea?
Write up on the board 10 statements about you, some true, some false. Taking each statement in turn, they have to ask you a load of questions to determine whether each one is in fact true or false. Make sure they realize it's a bit of a game and that they have to find out if you're lying or not.
suggested statements:
I have three dogs (What breed are they, how old are they, where do they sleep etc)
I've met David Hasselhoff (Where, when, what did you say etc)
My husband used to play professional football (when, for which teams, when retire etc)
I once stole a chocolate bar in London
I do karate
I was born in a taxi

Good luck!
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