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Unread Oct 15th, 2008, 09:48 pm
katan-ko katan-ko is offline
eslHQ Member
Join Date: Aug 26th, 2008
Posts: 16
katan-ko is on a distinguished road
Default Re: Working Overseas...Has it changed you? YES AND NO

I had a very positive attitude, have lived overseas in the past and did not have tremendous expectations. I was met at a bus stop by a shrew who made it clear I am to old for her ideal teacher. I am beautiful and do not look old nor am I in poor health. My boss is a narrow minded shrew using personal attacks and foul language which reflect her dim view of Americans. So why is she teaching English? Who knows, I have never in my life been met with such a hostile reception/ For 2 weeks I have put up with her and finally I said, "It is obvious you do not like me. You have 2 choices, you can contact your franchise and swap me for another teacher or pay off my contract and send me back. I did not receive an attendance roster, a set of books, a desk drawer or anything more than one trip to a department store the day I arrived. I walk much farther than a short walk to work. So, if you don't like me, that's okay. I dont like you either. I have been respectful and am qualified. Make up your mind. "

It has changed my opinion of Koreans.
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