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Unread Dec 18th, 2008, 08:03 pm
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Default Homonym Hardships


This makes absolutely no sense to me...

Don't get me wrong, I love this site, it's very informative... but I have run in to something that has created a doubt in my mind:

Homonym List - Homonym List for English Learners - Letters F - L

Find - fined

find - verb -> to discover
I often find coins at the beach.

fined - adjective -> charged a penalty
He was fined $50 for illegal parking.

I do not understand how the word "fined" can be considered an adjective. isn't this the past tense of the verb "to fine (someone)", or "to be fined"?

In the above sentance "He was fined $50 for illegal parking" the word "fined" cannot be translated to Spanish under the guise of an adjective; it must fall under the verb category, am I correct?

I would appreciate any knowledge or ideas on this subject... I'm by-passing this one for now (I'm preparing lessons for tomorrow), I think it can wait ;-)

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