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Unread Apr 5th, 2009, 05:24 am
STCrowley STCrowley is offline
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Default Re: How to Better yourself as a teacher?

One of the things that I'm doing--well, I say I am, but I've fallen out of the practice--is to try and learn French.

I studied German--and I live in Germany--and I think that's really helped me to relate to my students. I can say "This worked for me. . . it might work for you." And students say they listen more, because they don't think a native speaker who only speaks English can tell them how to learn.

The reason I'm learning French now is that I learned German in Germany. It's not the same as them learning English is Germany. So, I'm trying to put myself into their shoes.

Besides that, I really hope for good advice here. And I do a LOT of trial and error.
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