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Unread Mar 7th, 2010, 07:50 am
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Default Re: difference between "so" and "because"

Quote bread_baker View Post
Mark, I'm sure you could think of a new game or fun activity with "so" and "because."
Ahhh ... a challenge ...

I read this at the end of last week and was hoping I could get something together but I must admit, I haven't worked that hard on it.

As a first run at it, I might put together some dice, say three dice: one with actions, one with results/reasons and one with "so" and "becuase".

Students would roll all three dice and make a sentence using whatever comes up. You could have a fourth dice as a point dice if you needed some sort of contest/competition related aspect.

Not really unique, but I'll keep thinking. It seems like a pretty good point to stress to help students get into the English mind.
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