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Unread Aug 21st, 2010, 02:25 pm
Pix Pix is offline
eslHQ Zealot
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Default Re: HELP... Kindergarten games

Hi there,

Have you tried stories - kindergarden kids are mysteriously spell-bound by them.

First though you have to quiet them down and that can be done through a game like the "Magic Five":

This is a listening game that, once the routine has been taught to the class, allows you to quickly establish calm and regain all the children's attention. Using other listening games in this book teach the commands: 1. On your bottom, legs crossed; 2. hands in your lap; 3. look at me; 4. ears and eyes open; 5. mouths closed. Once the children know these commands say, "Give me five: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5" while the children do the sequence of actions.

For a preschool story suitable for beginners try the one from the link below, which you receive by email free:

The games book that goes with the stories is of limited use with 40 kids, but the stories should be fine with any class numbers.

Kind regards

Last edited by Pix : Jul 3rd, 2022 at 09:32 am.
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