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Unread Jul 18th, 2011, 01:34 pm
gideongirl gideongirl is offline
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Default Re: Board games in large classes

I use Chutes and Ladders a lot with my adult classes to review verb tenses. However, I keep each group to a max of 4 and cut the board to 50 squares instead of 100 (makes for a faster game). I also make moving a challenge. When a student throws a dice or spins, they have to draw a card and identify the verb tense. Then, if they land at the foot of a ladder or the top of a chute, they have to draw another card to climb the ladder or to keep from going down the chute.

Of course, this means that I have to make cards for them to draw, but that is rather simple and I can reuse them many times. I also make a group of cards (on different colored paper to tell them apart) where they are told the verb tense, given a verb and required to make a sentence. I often combine the cards, using one for the "move" and the other for the chutes/ladders. It is simple to make the cards more or less difficult depending on the level of the students/class. I hope this helps!
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