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Unread Nov 16th, 2006, 05:13 pm
mesmark mesmark is offline
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Default Re: When to say 'no'.

An apartment where I am isn't too bad. a studio would probably be about $600-$700/month. However, many schools offer teacher housing and the rent could be as low as $100 in those cases. In bigger cities, it's more.

Out on the town is a little steep. It also depends how deep into the night you go, but when I do get out it's anywhere from $50-$150.
The low end is just dinner and drinking, maybe a stop by a karaoke bar or for something to eat before heading home. The higher end is when you hit several places in a night. There are sitting fees at most places, so you've spent $10-$15 just walking in the door (with that you generally get some small appetizer.)

In general, things are pretty expensive here.
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