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Unread Nov 16th, 2006, 05:21 pm
mesmark mesmark is offline
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Default Re: When to say 'no'.

Quote livinginkorea
There are many private schools here which are similar to the cram schools that Mark mentioned. There are certain schools teaching only English, others for math and others that inculde all subjects for elementary, middle and high schools. The Koreans are crazy about English. Seriously crazy about it. I say that about 80% of students go to a private school to study English more after school. They pay on average 150,000 won (125 Euros) a month and that is just for English about three hours a week. Include some other subjects and sending your kid every day to a private school and you can easily hit the 400,000 (330 Euro) mark. Parents care a lot about education but sometimes it looks like that they are throwing it down a hole.
It's amazing and since I work at both (public school and private) I can see the waste. The sad part is that the Japanese school system has become reliant upon the after school (private) system to sustain the level of education, IMO.

I may be part of the problem.
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