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Unread May 13th, 2013, 09:48 am
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Default Re: that, which or nothing

Thank you Susan. Actually, the students taking the test are required to pick only one of the options offered which, as I can see after your explanation, actually doesnt make sense. It is a Chinese grammar test and I guess they can accept only one right thing, and no more than that.
In your explanation sentence " The relative pronoun serves as object" can we put "THE" before "object"- "The relative pronoun serves as THE object"? (It s another inexplicable case of article omission to me )

There are other problematic questions as well:

Our friendship____________________quickly over the weeks that followed.

a)had developed b)would develop c)was developing d)developed

2) The manager is said to have arrived back from Paris where he ________________ some European partners.

a) Would meet b) Had met

Why did they opt for past perfect tense and not past simple when the manager "has arrived", not "arrived"?

Just "met" was not offered as a correct answer. Can it be used?

Thank you so much in advance
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