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Unread Feb 18th, 2016, 07:46 am
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Default Re: Teaching Kindergarten ages 3-5

Dear Katherine,

Hello there. I can definitely help you.


Firstly check out these two blog posts that I did on managing preschoolers and also grabbing their attention. Just because they are only 3-5 doesn't mean they won't try to take over as soon as the initial awe of being in your presence is over!


Please download this story with lesson plan. This lays out in steps a fun and engaging lesson from start to finish. It includes introducing new vocabulary with games, consolidating that vocab with more games, then using short phrases and finally a story that contains all the language you have been working on. There is enough for several lessons in this pack.

It's a hit with most preschoolers and you'll be able to use the ideas to teach any vocab and sentences, not just the ones in this particular lesson plan and story.

If you have any questions feel free to contact me via my site, or here.

lesson plan and story:

All the best
Shelley Ann Vernon
Kind regards
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Last edited by Pix : Jul 3rd, 2022 at 08:12 am.
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