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Unread Apr 18th, 2016, 04:17 pm
ppl11 ppl11 is offline
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Default Definite article "the" with places/buildings

Could you tell if this is correct? Why sometimes the names of schools, museums and churches have the definite article while the others have not?

Kazimierz Wielki Primary School in Przedbórz

John Paul II Junior High School in Przedbórz

Folk Land Museum in Przedbórz

Church of Saint Alex in Przedbórz

Should I use "the" before the names? There is no "official name" in these cases (I mean whether is with "the" or not). What would you use?
I know that with "of" phrases the article "the" is used but I also found a confusing case:
In wikipedia there is the name:

the Johns Hopkins University

but on their website there is:

Johns Hopkins University

Could you explain this?

Last edited by susan53 : Apr 19th, 2016 at 06:42 am.
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