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Unread Sep 3rd, 2016, 03:06 pm
alexlearner alexlearner is offline
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Default Which sentences sound more natural?

I would like to write down some sentences below.

(1a) I will give him a call later at home.
(1b) I will give him a call at home later.

(2a) Mary watched sadly her favorite team lose.
(2b) Mary watched her favorite team lose sadly at the end.
(2c) Mary watched her favorite team lose at the end sadly.

(3a) There is a book and five pencils on the table.
(3b) There are a book and five pencils on the table.
(3c) There are five pencils and a book on the table.

(4a) There is a red book and a brown pencil on the table.
(4b) There are a red book and a brown pencil on the table.

Which sentences are grammatically correct? Thank you very much for your help.

Last edited by alexlearner : Sep 3rd, 2016 at 10:12 pm.
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