Thread: fair game
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Unread Jan 6th, 2019, 09:01 am
susan53 susan53 is offline
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Default Re: fair game

No - and you've taken my explanation out of context. You were then talking specifically about a suspect, not a wanted criminal. A suspect is an ordinary person without restrictions, and can therefore be wherever they want to be. When you're talking about a suspect, none of these expressions is really relevant. There is no reason why they should not be "free" or "under control".

You must distinguish between a suspect and a wanted criminal. To summarise:

If a criminal - ie someone who the police want to arrest for a crime - is in hiding and cannot be found, then s/he can be described as "on the loose", "at large" or "on the run" - all three are fine.

- on the loose : free, potentially dangerous or disruptive and not under control
- at large : free, potentially dangerous or disruptive and not under control
- on the run : free, wanted by and in hiding from the police

I don't think there's any more I can say about these expressions. Perhaps someone else could clarify them better.
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