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Unread Oct 7th, 2007, 03:30 pm
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Default Re: Retirement age for a teacher.

Great questions!

As someone who has crossed that 45 years old line, I've found myself asking these questions - and noticing a decline in my energy levels. Teaching at a private university certainly provides more money and less stress than American urban public schools. On the other hand, my contract remains year to year and the retirement remains private investments. California public school employees receive far more benefits - at least for the moment.

Personally, I'm hoping to decrease my teaching load as I cross the 55 year line, write more curriculum materials, and maybe write open an antique store like my grandfather. I don't want to keep teaching like some of my older colleagues into their late 60s. Plus, the value of the dollar keeps sliding downwards - and that doesn't produce a smile. Working with non-profits can provide satisfying work, but usually limited pay - especially for part-timers.

Enough said. Perhaps too much said. Time to get back to grading papers and postponing big decisions.


"Education is an ornament in prosperity and a refuge in adversity."
Aristotle, 4th Century BCE, Greek philosopher
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