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Unread Dec 10th, 2007, 09:12 pm
mesmark mesmark is offline
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Default Re: Would you or Could you - politeness

From what Ican tell, they stick to blogs and communities like Yahoo groups, Mixi or Ning type networks. At least they sometimes link to me from those places and then I go check it out. Many of them are locked though and only available to members.

I think you could definitely start something, but the problem is getting them to join in. I don't know of any Japanese people that actually 'belong' to web sites and contribute. Some comment here and there.

Publically voicing an opinion or asking a question that may make you look incompetent aren't strong points over here. Fake it until you're caught

Hard to say, but it wouldn't hurt to try ... I think you need a good, large group to center it around and hope that word spreads.
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