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Unread Jun 16th, 2008, 07:11 pm
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Default Re: We have a new game that may help!

I was noticing the same thing. It's hard to get a feel for the game without some visual aids. However, like Mesmark mentioned, you run the risk of people 'acquiring' the materials without purchasing them.

Also, no disrespect, but with so many FREE English learning activities and ideas out on the internet, why do you feel people should buy your product?

Also, please don't think I'm attacking your product, but your site says: "Our cards are also handcrafted with care, and cards might not all be uniform after cutting...Expect a few blemishes or things of that nature." No disrespect intended, but if I'm going to be paying $10+ dollars for a card game, I would expect a certain level of quality.

That being said, good luck with your sells.
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