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Unread Oct 18th, 2008, 12:19 am
katan-ko katan-ko is offline
eslHQ Member
Join Date: Aug 26th, 2008
Posts: 16
katan-ko is on a distinguished road
Default Re: Working Overseas...Has it changed you?

Hi Eric, You are correct. I had a very bad day. I walk quite a distance to my school, which was supposed to be located nearby. On the way I am harassed by men who make motions at my breasts. I go in and the woman I work for uses me as her personal whipping post. She is obviously insecure and jealous, changes instructions constantly, screams at me in front of the children, uses the English of a prostitute in private. So I am now expanding my horizons and focusing on the many good experiences I have. A little kid hugs me, an old lady on the street offers me an apple. People take my hand and lead me to stores where I have directions on paper. I just have a really bad boss and feel kind of trapped and scared. It is a clean country with many good people
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