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Unread Oct 29th, 2008, 03:57 am
yiannaCH yiannaCH is offline
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yiannaCH is on a distinguished road
Default Re: Would you or Could you - politeness

Well the correct polite forms are:

Familly & close friends: Can I/you........, please? example: Can I have the car tomorrow, please?

Teachers, boss, someone you know but not friends with etc...: Could I/you......., please? example: Could I have next Tuesday off, please? But if you are asking a stranger for directions, you would say: Could you tell me the way to......., please?

To superiors, Grandparents, stranger etc..: May I...........? (no please, because this is the ultimate form of politeness) example: May I leave the room? May I be excused?

If you teach this way, there will be no confusions.

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