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Unread Dec 5th, 2008, 02:26 am
Ster Ster is offline
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Join Date: Dec 5th, 2008
Posts: 6
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Unhappy games for small rowdy kids?

Hi! I am new here and I need help. I teach a large class of young kids (3-6). Each class is 2 hours long which is way too long for such young kids. Plus the parents stand at the glass window and watch which causes the kids to misbehave even more. Bascially, class control is almost nil. The only things that keep the interest are games and games and songs. Oh, and they are mostly boys with low attention spans. I've done all the normal games and flash card related games but I am running out of ideas. I taught Kindergarten for 2 years but I have never seen such awfully ill-behaved kids before.
Any ideas please?

Going crazy.....
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