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Unread Apr 23rd, 2009, 02:59 am
mesmark mesmark is offline
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Quote chrisode View Post
I was told I should have said "Thank you, I'm glad I've resolved this for you" or "I was able to help you".
'get something sorted' or 'sort something' is British and if you had an American teacher that wasn't familiar with that, they may have corrected it with good intentions.

However, it sounds like from the answers you were told were correct, you (or the speaker) were the one sorting out the problem. However, the original structure seems to imply that someone else was doing 'the sorting'.

'get this sorted' matches the structure 'get my hair cut' or 'have my house painted'.

'get something done' or 'have something done' - someone else is doing it for the speaker. The speaker isn't doing it.

If that's the case, I don't believe there is a way to use 'sort' like that ...

?'I'm glad I could sort it for you.'
(??? I'm American. So, I'm guessing here)

The only way I know would be to change the subject to the inclusive 'we'.

"I'm glad we could get this sorted."

Anyway, EnglishCoach's other sentences are a great addition and what you were told will also work just fine, but maybe that will help with 'sorted'.
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