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Unread May 3rd, 2009, 07:52 pm
majid72 majid72 is offline
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Default Re: on the verge of vs to be about to

Quote STCrowley View Post
I like the second, because it is how I'd (American) talk. I say 'I'm about to' when I'm talking about the next thing I'm going to do.

'On the verge of' is normally a bit negative for me. I use it when I'm getting close to doing something I don't want to do: "I'm on the verge of losing my temper" or "I was on the verge of telling him just what an idiot he was." It has more the feeling of being 'pushed' into something by your surroundings.

I hope that has helped some!
Any more questions, just let me know,
Thank you Dear STCrowley;21541 for being kind to answer me.
Could you explain a bit more with a few examples about your usage of " about to "?

Best regards
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