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Unread Aug 27th, 2009, 08:40 am
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Default Re: banned in Korea - help

Hi Mark,

Are you sure your site is blocked in ALL public schools?

The reason I ask is because while I was in Korea, I had many problems with accessing my own sites. But, my sites weren't blocked by the government. It was actually an issue with the ISP. Just a couple of weeks ago, the sites were blocked again. Then 1 day later, they were accessible.

But a few years ago, my sites would get blocked for days/weeks. I would have to write my ISP over and over and over again in order for them to remove whatever filter they had in place. It was definitely related to them because they acknowledged the filter and unblocked my sites (which all shared the same IP address).

If you have the luxury of finding a few users in different public schools, I would see if they all experience the same results. If they have mixed results, I would guess that it's an ISP issue, not a government ban issue.

Hope this helps,

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