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Unread Jan 21st, 2010, 03:38 am
susan53 susan53 is offline
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Default Re: Using 'to' with access

I think there's confusion here over which "to" Xkimo was referring to. The infinitive form is just there eg in 4 because the sentence construction is "how to do something" - ie it needs an infinitive. It has nothing to do with the word access. The sentence would be the same with any verb eg : I don't know how to print this file. The same is true of bread baker's example - the infinitive is not dependent on the use of the word access but on the use of the verb want which is followed by the infinitive - compare I want to print this file.

However, the preposition in 1 and 2 which follows the noun is directly dependent on the word access. But it's only used with the noun - not the verb. So .. for sentence 3, you can use the verb and say : How do I access this website?

or the noun - in which case the preposition to is added : How do I gain access to this website?
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