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Unread Dec 2nd, 2010, 02:20 am
clarity clarity is offline
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Default animals voice and baby animals, who knows

Next week my class will learn something on animals. i need the following animals' sounds.Can you tell me the words .
and the baby annimals' names, such as baby dog is puppy or doggie, baby horse is pony. what about other animals. Do the have special names for their babies? thanks.
Animals Set 1
- bird
- cat
- chicken
- dog
- duck
- fish
- frog
- cow
Animals Set 2
- hamster
- horse
- mouse
- pig
- rabbit
- sheep
- turtle
- fox
- goat
- squirrel
Animals Set 3
- monkey
- kangaroo
- giraffe
- panda
- lion
- tiger
- elephant
- snake
- alligator
- koala
- bear
- zebra
Animals Set 4
- hippo
- rhino
- seal
- whale
- shark
- walrus
- penguin
- octopus
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