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Unread Sep 1st, 2006, 01:51 am
stanley stanley is offline
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Location: Beijing,China
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Default Need ideas for themed units - grades 3-5

Well, I've just had the first morning in my new job. So far so good I finally know my timetable and who I'm teaching. I will be teaching grades 3-5, many nationalities, including native speakers of English . I will meet each class only once a week for 40 minutes and I am to design my own curriculum. The classes should focus on speaking and listening (they have Chinese teachers to teach them reading and writing) . What I am looking for is ideas for themed units that will appeal to this age group. I have no text books to base it around. I have tried to find 'Let's Go' as I was going to look at the contents pages and base my lessons around that - after recommendations from you lot! Can't find it here in China though and not keen to buy over the net as I really don't know that it's what I need. Please please - any ideas for themes around which I can plan a few weeks' lessons.
Sorry for rambling and thanks.
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