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Unread Oct 2nd, 2006, 08:25 am
dearscotty dearscotty is offline
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Default Re: Does anyone know some good activities for large classes?

Quote Eric
I'm struggling with the same thing. I have one idea that I am going to try today and I'll let you know how it goes.

Name: Back to the Board
Materials: None
Useful For: Reviewing vocabulary and producing short structures

basically divide the class into 2-3 teams. one person from each team comes to the front of the class and sit with their backs facing the board. then you write the vocab/stucture you want them to say on the board. then the teams try to get their team member to say the word on the board.

it activates everyone and is exciting. i've played it with smaller, unenthusiastic classes and they went crazy. now to test it on some older students.

other than survey style exercises i don't have any more ideas.

if you use this activity, let us know how it goes.

Do you write one word on the board, or a word for each team? If there is one word that the teams share, then I assume a player might pick up on other clues from the other team. I'm also guessing that it's easier to come up with just one word or target for everyone. Let me know how you do it. thanks!
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