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Unread Oct 20th, 2006, 01:55 am
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Clive Hawkins
Join Date: Aug 1st, 2006
Location: Italy
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Default Re: Teaching in Europe

Wow! Italy is pretty damn anti-business but that takes the biscuit! I've just started a school here and it's pretty much the same story - before I'd earnt a cent I was getting bills \ tax demands etc almost on a daily basis. The economy is in a mess but the system seems to want to kill off any new business before it even gets the chance to take off.

They'd be better off chasing the tax dodgers, and I mean large companies who pay nothing for years, rather than stamping on the little guy who with a bit of luck may actually be in a position to employ a few people somewhere along the line.

makes you mad, doesn't it?
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