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Unread Nov 16th, 2006, 07:07 am
susan53 susan53 is offline
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Default Re: When to say 'no'.

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Wow! There's no way I'd get anything done.
I think you need to distinguish between contact hours and working hours. Like Eric, I'm only teaching about 12 hours a week at the moment but those hours are scattered all around the city. Last year I too taught 30hrs a week at one point, but only in one place per day. That meant I could start at 8am and, even with a couple of breaks, be finished by 2.30. If every hour you teach is in a different place then thirty contact hours may involve 45 hours or more, including travel.

Then you need to take into consideration preparation time (which I talked about before) and any other work you do - I'm currently writing three different courses and monitoring students on an on-line course, for example. But the contact hours are the most draining psychologically. I reckon I work 50-60 hours a week, but I still wouldn't want the majority of those to be contact hours.
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