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Unread Nov 16th, 2006, 12:29 pm
susan53 susan53 is offline
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Default Re: How to teach gerunds

It depends a little bit what you mean - the gerund has a lot of uses, all of which would be taught at different levels and in different ways :
  • As a noun describing various activities : He teaches swimming; Today we're going to do some listening. including in compound nouns a listening lesson, a swimming pool
  • As a complement of BE : The part of my job I hate most is dealing with customer complaints.
  • As the subject of the sentence : Using the computer gives me headaches, Running relaxes me, Doing aerobics keeps you fit..
  • After prepositions : Thank you for coming today; I look forward to seeing you again
  • Used after other verbs : I try to avoid travelling in the rush hour, I don't remember asking David to the party! ) and after various expressions like It's no good ... It's not worth ... : It's no good asking John - he won't know. It's not worth going now - everything will have finished.

Each of these uses would be taught one at a time, at different levels and in different ways. What level are your students and which use(s) were you thinking of ?
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