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Unread Mar 13th, 2012, 08:15 am
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Denis DNT Denis DNT is offline
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Default Online speech contest. Register your students.

It's time for our annual online speech contest again at MyEE Online. Registration has begun and this year prizes have been increased as well as the number of winners. It's a great opportunity to get your students to showcase their speaking skills and compete with other speakers of English as a second language.
You can recommend the contest to your students but teachers are not allowed to register.
For details about the contest visit this link below:
MyEE Online - My Everyday English Online Community

NB: During this period of the year when we run contests, our website enjoys a mark increase in traffic. Best moment to advertise. We will run contest until June.
If you are an online school, book store, etc. this the best moment to advertise on our website. The good news is we offer the lowest advertising rates you can find anywhere online Contact us for a quote.
Join our Online Community for ESL teachers and students.
Create a group for your students online.
Make them compete using games
Click here to join.
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