Thread: Have got(ten)
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Unread Nov 28th, 2006, 05:31 am
susan53 susan53 is offline
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Default Re: Have got(ten)

Thanks - that's really useful, and confirms some of my suspicions. Do other American speakers agree with Mark? Some Americans have told me that they would never use "got" and for the examples in 5 would always say simply I have red hair/two sisters etc. Any comments?

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In British English, would you say:

'I've got used to living abroad.'


'I've gotten used to living abroad.'
Got - gotten is never used in Brit Eng.

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Please don't ask why
but maybe as a general rule I say 'have got' to mean 'possess' and 'have gotten' to mean 'have received'
I have to work this up into a conference presentation and will also be posting an article on my site. I'll let you know when it's up.
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