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Unread Jun 12th, 2012, 07:36 am
susan53 susan53 is offline
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Default Re: how to use the Internet

Thanks RJ - Sorry I didn't say so before, but I've only just seen this. Yes, the explanations here are targeted at teachers - whether NS or not. But if teachers don't fully understand the language, then obviously they're not going to be able to explain it clearly to learners. Most of what comes up here are queries which more advanced learners would raise rather than beginners. Sometimes the explanations might need modification, other times they can be used straight. This one for example - I do a lot of concordancer work with my students and get them to draw their own conclusions. More than teaching them about one word, it gives them the tools to investigate the language on their own when other points which puzzle them come up and the teacher isn't around to help.
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