Thread: will be / is
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Unread Jun 27th, 2012, 05:23 am
susan53 susan53 is offline
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Default Re: will be / is

Depends on the context - s/he could be talking in general, in which case the first form verb, expressing a permanent fact would be appropriate : It is an honour (for any candidate for this post) to be elected (at any time).

However, if the candidate is definitely talking about their own election - yes, it's a prediction, not a fact and the first form verb makes no sense. If they were very arrogant, then will : It will be an honour for me to be elected - arrogant because the use of will presumes the occurrence of the action. To be more modest, they would need to use would : It would be an honour for me to be elected. would is the second form of will and therefore adds hypotheticality to the prediction.
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