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Unread Mar 8th, 2007, 05:05 am
susan53 susan53 is offline
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Default Re: Currently Seeking Pro Work

Congrats on your CELTA result! Next step the DELTA ....

I don't know the Korean situation and don't know if you were serious about moving to Europe. But if you were, I imagine there are just as many cowboys here as there. Be careful. I also heard recently about a scam a bit like to the one you described in the Too good to be true post coming supposedly from a school (actually non-existent) in Milan. It seems the Nigerians don't have a monopoly on anything ...

However, there are also some very good schools, and with a good CELTA result you should have a chance for a job in one of them - if you're an EU citizen. If not, you may have almost impossible work permit problems unfortunately. This was actually the point of the scam : send us $500 dollars so that we can get your papers sorted. Yeah, yeah.
An ELT Notebook
The DELTA Course
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