Thread: conjunction
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Unread Aug 5th, 2013, 05:22 am
susan53 susan53 is offline
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Default Re: conjunction

Yes. a) It's very unlikely that anyone would say this - what would be the context. b) the sentences are too short to sound natural. compare them with the authentic ones that I gave as examples. When sentences are as short as this it's much more likely that they'd be combined into one longer sentence by using a co-ordinating or subordinatiing conjunction. If you want to analyse language always use a concordancer and investigate real examples.

Neutral style is exactly what it sounds like - neither formal nor informal. I'm writing in neutral style at the moment. Most words/expressions are neutral in style - they can be used on their own when the speaker/writer doesn't want to be either formal or informal, or they can be combined with formal or informal features. So :

Informal : Awesome nosh. Thanks.
Neutral : Thanks for the lovely meal.

Neutral : I'm afraid you didn't get the job you applied for.
Formal : I regret to have to inform you that your application for the post of Assistant Manager was unsuccessful.
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