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Unread Sep 17th, 2013, 02:20 pm
Ana laura Ana laura is offline
eslHQ Zealot
Join Date: Feb 9th, 2009
Location: Argentina
Posts: 74
Ana laura is on a distinguished road
Question Present Perfect simple vs continuous

Hello Everyone!

I still have some doubts about the difference between Present perfect simple and continuous..could you tell me if my interpretation of these two sentences is correct?

A) How long have you stayed in New York? (In this example, I understand that the person being asked has already come back from their holiday and the speaker is just asking about that experience)

B) How long have you been staying in New York? (In this example, I understand that the person being asked is still on vacation or living there and hasn't gone back)

I have the same confusion with the verb 'live'..: She has lived in China for 5 years/She has been living in China for 5 years..(I understand that she continues to live there, right?)

I would appreciate your help..Greetings from Argentina
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