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Unread Sep 18th, 2013, 03:48 am
Ana laura Ana laura is offline
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Default Re: Present Perfect simple vs continuous

Thank you very much Susan! Excellent as always! Everything is more clear now...

So, Let me see if I understood correctly:

How long + past simple = the action is finished
How long + present perfect continuous = the action is still happening, it continues until the present

But I still have some doubts..

What about recent events? For example:

A) The ground is wet. It has been raining. (I understand here that it isn't raining anymore, it has just stopped..and it also indicates result)

B) It has been raining for two hours / since I got up (I understand here that it is still raining, it hasn't stopped yet)

or with the verb 'Wait':

*He has waited / has been waiting for an hour.

Has waited = finished action, completed
Has been waiting = unfinished action, he is still waiting

Another example with 'wait': She has waited / has been waiting for this moment her whole life (both would be correct?)

I clearly still have problems with simple and continuous forms

I appreciate your great help!
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