Thread: draw a blank
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Unread Mar 25th, 2016, 02:14 am
susan53 susan53 is offline
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Default Re: draw a blank

The meaning is different.

1. "to draw a blank" = to be unable to do something / to be unsuccessful. It has nothing to do with memory. Here's an example of a magazine article headline :
a. Seven magnificent movies of 2014 that drew a blank at the Oscars
- in other words, which failed to win anything at the Oscars.
And from a report on the American primaries :
b. Clinton’s win, meanwhile, thwarted hopes from Sanders’ campaign for an early morale boost after the Vermont senator drew a blank in five important contests across the Midwest and the South last week.
ie Sanders was unsuccessful in five .... etc

2. "My mind is a blank / My mind went blank", on the other hand, means "I can't/couldn't remember. Eg :
a. As soon as I sat down in the exam room, my mind went blank. I couldn't remember anything I'd studied.
b. He knew he'd gone into the kitchen to get something, but he couldn't remember what it was. His mind was / had gone completely blank.

So in the sentences you quote, (1) is possible, but (2) is more likely.
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