Thread: go swimming
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Unread Sep 20th, 2018, 09:20 am
susan53 susan53 is offline
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Default Re: go swimming

As always, it's a matter of context. If the concept of "going" somewhere was irrelevant in the situation, then yes - possibly. For example : two friends A and B are at the lake. A has just been for a swim while B is sunbathing. A comes out of the water and says...
A : Oh that was nice! Aren't you going in?
B: No. I know it's silly, but i'm terrified of water. I can swim a bit - my parents made me learn - but if I can't put my feet on the bottom I just panic.
A: Oh I didn't know that! What a pity. Listen, I have to go now as I'm working this evening but why don't we come back tomorrow and you can have a swim with me. I promise we won't go out of your depth, and I'll be there to support you. The water's so nice - it's a pity not to go in.
B : All right. Let's have a swim tomorrow. Just a little one though!
A : I promise!

Here the two are already at the lake and know that tomorrow it will be the same. So the focus is on the idea of having a swim - not on "going somewhere" for a swim.
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Last edited by susan53 : Sep 27th, 2018 at 10:31 am.
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