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Members with Birthdays on Feb 13th, 2005
Traditional Culture Classes at Samcheonggak
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Jan 16th, 2005 to Mar 20th, 2005 06:00 pm to 06:00 am
* This event ignores DST
* This event was posted for time zone (GMT +9:00) Tokyo, Seoul, Osaka, Sapporo, Yakutsk so it will appear to occur on a different day on your calendar.
Traditional Korean culture performance hall Samcheonggak is holding traditional Korean culture courses. Samcheonggak was established by the Sejong Center for the Performing Arts on October 29, 2001. Since then, it has held traditional performances and traditional culture classes and attracted 80,000 visitors, becoming established as a popular place in Seoul to relax and experience traditional Korean culture.

Traditional Korean Music Class - Traditional Korean Music Class – This class provides a general introduction to traditional Korean music, including minyo (traditional folk songs), pansori (a traditional vocal genre), and traditional Korean rhythms. (English class available)

Woodcraft – A class where you can learn to carve a wooden jangseung (a long wooden or stone post with a human face carved on it which served as a village guardian or milepost). The class provides a chance to better understand Korean culture by making jangseung theme accessories such as necklaces and cell-phone straps.

Traditional Womens' Handicraft – This class provides a chance to understand the lifestyle of upper class women of the Joseon Dynasty through the bojagi (traditional wrapping cloths) and accessories they had used. In the class, you can try making your own bojagi and knotted necklaces. (English class available)

Traditional Tea Etiquette – This class provides a chance to taste a variety of traditional Korean teas and learn traditional tea etiquette. (English class available)

Hanji(traditional paper) craft – In the hanji craft class, you can make your own square lampshades and pencil cases using a square wooden frame and traditional Korean paper.

To get to Samcheonggak, take subway line no.5 to Gwanghwamun station and take the Samcheonggak shuttle bus in front of the Sejong Center for the Performing Arts

Traditional Korean Music - 10,000 won per person
Woodcraft - 20,000 won per person
Traditional Ladies' Craft - 30,000 won per person
Traditional Tea Etiquette - 30,000 won per person
Hanji Craft - 30,000 won per person

Date: January 17, 2005 - March 20, 2005
Venue: Samcheonggak
Organizer: Samcheonggak
For more Info: (02) 3676-3457
Subway: Take subway line 5 to Gwanghwamun Station
Musical, Line 1 - Korea
Calendar: Default Calendar
Jan 5th, 2005 to May 30th, 2005 05:30 am to 05:30 am
* This event ignores DST
After 1,800 performances and 380,000 spectators over 9 years, as of March 2003, Line 1 is the most popular Korean musical.
Adapted from Line 1 - Das Musical by the Grips Theatre in Germany, the work works with a uniquely Korean context and premiered in 1994. This rock musical Line 1 shows the life of the city of Seoul through the eyes of an ethnic Korean woman named Fairy from the Korean autonomous region of Yenbian, China. She meets characters who represent the everyday variety of people one can meet on an average day in Seoul--jobless fathers, runaway daughters, men threatening to kill themselves, peddlers of everything imaginable, self-styled street evangelists, and others. They join together to recreate the Korean society we live in today, with humor and satire. Line 1 is complete with a five-person live rock band, actors and actresses who masterfully juggle several characters each, and a rapid change of scenes and set. It is an enjoyable show for viewers of all ages.
From 2001 the show embarked on a world tour and was highly acclaimed by the public, earning unrestrained praise from the critics in Berlin, Beijing, Shanghai, Tokyo, Osaka and Fukuoka. In March 2003 it also drew intense interest at the Hong Kong Arts Festival.
Line 1 is the story of an ethnic Korean woman from China named 'Fairy' who comes to Seoul in search of a Korean man she met on Mount Baekdu, the legendary birthplace of the Korean people on the border of North Korea and Manchuria. She spends an entire day on the central axis of Seoul’s Metro subway train Line #1, where she meets the people of Seoul in a comical work, filled with humor and satire

Hyehwa Station on Seoul Subway Train Line 4 (Blue line), Exit #1 (Dongsoong Arts Center exit), 50 meters up the street between Naksan Garden and the SKC sign. Next to the Performing Arts Center of Dongduk Women’s University.

Period: Jan. 5~ May 30, 2004
# Time: -Weekdays 7:30pm
# -Saturday 4:00pm, 7:30pm
# -Sunday and Public holiday 3:00pm, 7:00pm
# -No Performance on Monday

Venue: Hakchon Green Theater
Tickets: Adult 28,000won, Student 22,000 won (Full or part-time students have to show their student identification at the box office to purchase student ticket.)
Booking & Inquires: Tel +82-2-763-8233(Kor/Eng)
Website: (Kor/Eng/Jpn)
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