Thread: 2-3 years old
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Unread May 7th, 2009, 07:45 am
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Default Re: 2-3 years old

Quote ApplePie View Post
But I was wondering if anyone had experience with activities that 3 yr old boys really like.
Moreover, I try to speak only English in this class, much more than with older kids, yet sometimes as I point to let's say, a lion, and tell them "LION" they tell me in their mothertongue "No, è un leone" (No it's a lion) and are really convinced, and say to me things like "It's called "leone", you should speak properly" (in italian, of course, or I would be really proud of them )
I've had success with throwing things or hitting things with balls. I've had the kids throw flashcards into a box. They have to ask for the flashcard. I'll have a couple in my hands and they have to ask for them or respond as I say them if they aren't ready to speak. Then I give them the card and they get to throw it.

Another option is to have them try to hit the correct card with a fly swatter or toy hammer (even their hand but not as much fun.) Put down a couple cards and call out what you want them to hit. If they're right change the cards around and go again. If they hit the wrong card, take the hammer away and give it to the next player. With 8 kids you'll probably need 3 or 4 hammers/flyswatters.

For boys, more agressive games or activities with movement are really good.
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