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Unread May 9th, 2010, 11:45 am
susan53 susan53 is offline
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Default Re: How to use "not,no"?

Quote thadajirajaras View Post
Can I use the short answers like this?
such as
"Not walk(v.)."
" Not go(v.)."
"No walk(n.)"
"don't go(v)"
For the first two, it depends on the question. It's hard to think of realistic examples for these examples, but perhaps if people heard the word wrongly ...

A : Let's talk over there.
B : Sorry? Let's walk where???
A : Not walk - I said talk. (= I didn't say "walk")

Any misheard or misunderstood word or phrase can be negated like this, whether it's a noun, verb, preposition or whatever, as the underlying idea is always really negating the verb phrase eg:

A : David said you were born in Paris. Is that true?
B : Not born there, no. But I lived there as a child. (= I wasn't born there)

The third one is easier, but it's not a "short" answer but the whole phrase:

A : Let's go for a walk. Or we could play chess.
B : Oh no - it's too hot to go for a walk. And chess is boring.
A : OK, no walk and no chess. So what do you want to do?

The final example is a negative imperative :

A : I have to go now.
B : Oh please don't go yet!
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