Thread: Differences?
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Unread Feb 27th, 2005, 02:09 am
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1. Could you tell me what is a maze and what is a labrynith?
And also the difference?
2. What is the "By the time" means?
Usually I can see that in the begining of the sentences.
3. What's the diffrences between "I know him","I know of him", "I know about him"?
#1 - Maze and labrynith are basically the same (as far as I know). Maze is more commonly used though.

#2 - By the time is a little difficult to explain. I'll use examples. A mother is going out, but her son must stay home and do his homework. She might say to him "Your homework must be finished by the time I get home!" or she could say "Your homework must be finished before I get home!" . She is telling him she wants him to finish his homework before she returns.

Another example: "I wanted to go to a movie at 4:00, but I was so late that, by the time I arrived, the movie had already started". I'm saying that when I finally arrived (for example 4:20) the movie was already playing.

#3. I know him means you have actually met the person. A friend or acquaintance

I know of him - You have never met this person, but you have heard of him, you know who his is but you do not know him personally.

I know about him - The meaning of this phrase might depend on the context or situation. It could mean the same as "I know of him", or it could mean "I know some information about him" or "I've heard some gossip about him".
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