Thread: grammar
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Unread Aug 22nd, 2010, 05:28 am
excellency excellency is offline
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Default Re: grammar

Thank you so much due to your complete explanations. But you know, I am studying for Toefl exam and these are some questions of structure that I really got confused because my own answer is one thing but the book’s reply to them is something else. I give you my own answers and the book’s but I beg you to give me your own answer with the enough explanation.
Thank you.
1. My own answer: top (should be : toppest) book: too
2. I found no problem book: creating
3. I found no problem book: afterward
4. In my idea this sentence has two problems (probable / psychology) but in the book just (probable) is taken as an incorrect word.
5. My own answer: wind ( it should be : the wind) book: hurling
6. I think again this has two problems: (long) as an adjective should come before (limestone) and ( for to use) should be in passive form : (for to be used) but the book has just taken (long ) as the incorrect answer.
Please help me with these problems that have involved my mind for a few days. I will appreciate your help.
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