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Unread Apr 11th, 2011, 01:07 am
sydboy007 sydboy007 is offline
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Default have and be as main / auxiliary verb

I need some help in determining where a main and auxiliary verb is in the below sentences. If someone can point me in the right direction I'd greatly appreciate it
This group is 'have' as a main and aux verb

They have decided to send a spaceship.. (as main verb?)

They have done tests and know that plants can grow there (as an aux verb?)

They have not seen any alien life there (as an aux verb?)

The next group is 'be' as a main and auxiliary verb

No one else will be able to join the space colony

The spaceship will be controlled from Earth (be as aux verb since will is a modal verb and controlled would be the main verb?)

They are very confident that human beings will be able to live there

They have not seen any alien life there, but they cannot be sure that it doesn't exist (be as main verb?)
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