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Unread Nov 5th, 2006, 06:09 am
susan53 susan53 is offline
Join Date: Oct 8th, 2006
Location: Milan
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susan53 is on a distinguished road
Default Linguistic Blunders

If you're teaching abroad, you're probably trying to learn the language of the country while you're there - and probably making some daft mistakes. Have you ever said anything really funny? When I was learning Italian we had a terrific thunderstorm one evening and I stayed at the window about an hour just watching it. The next day, talking to some friends who live in a different area, which hadn't had it so bad, I tried to describe what I'd seen. I wanted to say : Il cielo era pieno di tuoni e lampi - The sky was full of thunder and lightning. But what I actually came out with was: Il cielo era pieno di tonno e lamponi - The sky was full of tuna fish and raspberries. I didn't live that one down for quite a while ...
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