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Unread Jun 12th, 2014, 02:37 pm
susan53 susan53 is offline
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Default Re: What does the pattern mean?

No - it's not emphatic enough. remember that if you put something in a subordinate clause, you're saying that it's less important than the proposition in the main clause. It's just about possible if you turn them around and use "even though" plus the operator to add emphatic stress :

A : She can't be that bad. Look at the results she got in the last exams.
B : Yes, well - I still think she's a lousy teacher, even though the students did all pass.

A: You must have had a terrible holiday with all that rain. You really picked the wrong week to go camping.
B: Oh it wasn't that bad. We still had a good time, even though it did rain every day.
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